Bioresonance Health Secrets
Welcome to the Bicom Bioresonance Podcast—your go-to resource for all things bioresonance!
Whether you're a seasoned therapist, a curious learner, or someone exploring the incredible potential of Bicom technology, this podcast is for you. Each episode dives deep into the fascinating world of bioresonance, covering everything from practical therapy tips and marketing strategies to improving efficacy and troubleshooting technical challenges.
Our mission is to empower therapists and enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive. Expect expert advice, inspiring success stories, and actionable insights to help you make the most of your Bicom Optima and take your practice to the next level.
Join David and Sophia on this journey as we explore the science, stories, and strategies behind bioresonance therapy. Tune in, learn, and discover how to make a lasting impact with Bicom!
Bioresonance Health Secrets
Unraveling Autoimmune Conditions: Causes, Therapies, and Hope Through Bioresonance
In this episode of Bioresonance Health Secrets, David and Sophia unravel the complexities of autoimmune diseases, drawing on insights from Dr. Uta Schmieden-Lindner’s presentation at the 2023 Autumn Congress. With autoimmune conditions now affecting one in ten people, this discussion explores their perplexing causes, including genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and toxins, and highlights innovative approaches to treatment.
Discover how bioresonance therapy has provided hope for patients with conditions like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and autoimmune cholangitis. David shares his personal journey with his wife Sarah’s battle with Addison’s disease, showcasing how integrative therapies like bioresonance have supported her quality of life. Packed with case studies, research findings, and actionable insights, this episode offers valuable knowledge for both patients and practitioners.
Whether you’re seeking to understand autoimmune conditions or looking for holistic ways to manage them, this episode shines a light on the transformative potential of bioresonance therapy. Tune in and uncover the science behind hope and healing!
Welcome to Bioresonance Health Secrets!, where we delve into the latest research and integrative approaches to complex health conditions. I’m your host, David.
And I’m Sophia. Today, we’re tackling a topic that affects millions worldwide: autoimmune diseases. From their perplexing causes to groundbreaking therapies, we’ll explore insights from Dr. Uta Schmieden-Lindner’s presentation at the 2023 Autumn Congress.
This is a subject close to my heart, its why I purchased a Bicom device back in 2010. My wife Sarah nearly passed away before we got a diagnosis of Addison's disease. I have read many books on this complex condition. As we also have discovered, when you have one condition, others are likely to follow. Autoimmune diseases involve the immune system attacking the body’s own tissues, leading to chronic inflammation and damage. The condition is named depending on what is being attacked, so, professor:
Addisons attacks the outer layer of the adrenal gland (the adrenal cortex)
Multiple sclerosis attacks the protective covering of the nerve cells in the brain, optic nerve and spinal cord, called the myelin sheath
Myasthenia gravis is where antibodies destroy the communication between nerves and muscle, resulting in weakness of the skeletal muscles
Pernicious anemia attacks the cells in your stomach that produce the intrinsic factor, which means your body is unable to absorb vitamin B12.
Rheumatoid arthritis attacks the cells that line your joints
Sjögren syndrome attacks the glands that make tears and saliva
Systemic lupus attacks its own tissues, affecting the skin, joints, heart, lung, kidneys, circulating blood cells, and brain
Type I diabetes attacks and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin
But with innovative approaches like bioresonance therapy, there’s new hope to bring some relief for sufferers. Let’s dive in.
Recent research has shed light on the prevalence of autoimmune diseases. Can you elaborate on that, Sophia?
Certainly, David. A UK population-based study of 22 million individuals published in The Lancet revealed that autoimmune disorders now affect about one in ten people1. Specifically, 13% of women and 7% of men are affected, which is higher than previous estimates1.
That's a significant portion of the population. Are there any particular trends or disparities in these numbers?
Yes, the study found evidence of socioeconomic, seasonal, and regional disparities among several autoimmune disorders. These variations suggest that potentially modifiable risk factors may contribute to the development of some autoimmune diseases, beyond just genetic predisposition.
What Are Autoimmune Diseases?
Sophia, let’s start with the basics. Autoimmune diseases are caused by the immune system mistakenly identifying the body’s tissues as foreign and attacking them. What makes these diseases so complex?
The complexity lies in their ability to affect virtually any organ or tissue. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis target the joints, multiple sclerosis affects the nervous system, while celiac disease involves the small intestine. It’s like the immune system’s “radar” goes haywire, targeting what it’s supposed to protect.
That’s a great analogy. And what’s happening on a cellular level?
Normally, T cells in the immune system are trained to recognise and tolerate the body’s tissues. But in autoimmune diseases, some T cells fail this training and start attacking the body. If untreated, this inflammatory process can lead to significant damage, sometimes destroying entire organ systems.
What Causes Autoimmune Diseases?
One of the big questions surrounding autoimmune diseases is “why?” Despite decades of research, the exact causes remain elusive. Sophia, what do we know?
Conventional medicine hasn’t pinpointed a single cause, but we do know that genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle play significant roles. In naturopathy, we also look at how toxins and stressors disrupt the body.
Toxins like heavy metals, for example?
Absolutely. Mercury, lead, aluminium, and even chemicals like formaldehyde can lodge in tissues like the nervous system or thyroid, triggering chronic inflammation. Chronic infections—like Lyme disease or viral infections—combined with an acidic body environment, can further contribute to autoimmune reactions.
So, it’s a perfect storm of factors that push the immune system into overdrive?
Exactly. And understanding this interplay helps us develop therapies that address the root causes, not just the symptoms.
You mentioned environmental factors earlier. Can you elaborate on how they might trigger autoimmune responses?
Absolutely. Recent research suggests that infections seem to be a common trigger for autoimmune diseases. Interestingly, the microbiota – the community of microorganisms living in our bodies – can also influence the pathogenesis of these conditions.
That's fascinating. It really highlights the complex interplay between our bodies and our environment.
Exactly. And it's worth noting that while genetic predisposition plays a role, it's usually complex and involves multiple genes that regulate immune cell function. In rare cases, single-gene mutations affecting key regulatory pathways can lead to autoimmunity
Conventional vs. Naturopathic Approaches:
Let’s talk about treatment. Conventional medicine often focuses on suppressing the immune response. What does that look like?
Cortisone and immunosuppressants are the mainstays, but newer therapies target specific antibodies involved in autoimmune reactions. While these can be effective, they often come with side effects and don’t address the underlying triggers.
Are there any new developments in conventional treatments for autoimmune diseases?
Yes, there are. While cortisone and immunosuppressants remain common, newer therapies are being developed that target specific components of the immune response. These include biologics that inhibit particular inflammatory pathways or deplete certain types of immune cells4.
How does this compare to the naturopathic approach?
Naturopathic medicine still focuses on addressing root causes, but there's growing interest in integrative approaches. For instance, some practitioners are exploring the use of low-dose psychedelics in healing trauma associated with autoimmune conditions. However, it's important to note that this is still an emerging area of research.
In naturopathy, the focus is on stabilising the immune system by identifying and eliminating triggers— be it toxins, infections, or food intolerances. Techniques like bioresonance therapy are used to restore balance and support the body’s natural healing processes.
Case Studies: Real-Life Applications of Bioresonance
Now, let’s bring this to life with some case studies. Dr. Schmieden-Lindner shared several compelling examples. Sophia, can you walk us through the first one?
Certainly. The first case involved a 33-year-old man with autoimmune cholangitis, a liver disease. He was exposed to heavy metals and chemicals from his job in a plastic factory. Despite conventional treatment, his symptoms included itching, severe fatigue, and elevated liver enzymes.
And how was he treated?
Weekly bioresonance therapy targeted the chemical and infectious stressors affecting his liver. Liver-specific programs were used, and his diet was adjusted to eliminate food intolerances. Within six weeks, his liver enzymes improved dramatically, and his symptoms resolved.
That’s remarkable progress. What about the case of the 16-year-old girl with lupus?
Her lupus was accompanied by severe joint inflammation and a history of Lyme disease. Bioresonance therapy addressed her heavy metal exposure, food intolerances, and underlying infections. Cortisone elimination programs and hormone regulation were also part of the protocol.
And the results?
She experienced a rapid improvement in her general condition, with inflammation and joint pain subsiding within weeks. Over time, her blood markers normalised, and she was able to reduce reliance on conventional medications.
These case studies are impressive. Are there any large-scale studies on the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy?
While large-scale clinical trials are still limited, there's growing interest in bioresonance therapy. A recent review published in 2024 examined its applications across various medical fields, including allergology, neurology, and oncology. The therapy showed promise in alleviating allergic reactions, managing neurological conditions, and even mitigating the adverse effects of conventional cancer treatments.
That's encouraging. What about its use specifically for autoimmune conditions?
The same review noted that bioresonance therapy demonstrated effectiveness in supporting patients with autoimmune conditions, particularly those related to Lyme disease. However, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and optimal therapeutic parameters.
The Role of Bioresonance in Multiple Sclerosis
Another standout set of cases focused on multiple sclerosis (MS). Sophia, why is MS particularly challenging to treat?
MS is an autoimmune disease where inflammation damages the myelin sheaths around nerves, disrupting nerve conduction. Symptoms vary widely, from sensory disturbances to paralysis, making it a complex condition to manage.
How did bioresonance play a role in these cases?
One notable case involved a 42-year-old woman who declined conventional MS treatments. Using bioresonance, her heavy metal load, Lyme disease, and food intolerances were addressed. She also received vitamin C infusions and dietary adjustments.
And her outcome?
Her optic neuritis resolved quickly, and her general condition improved significantly. Remarkably, she has remained symptom-free without conventional treatment for years. But what about your wife, David
She is doing well to say she has been on steroids since 2009, the bioresonance helps to negate some of the side effects and, importantly, helps to keep other things at bay, such as infections, allergies and other things that can overload the immune system. Anxiety and stress are important to keep under control, and the Bicom helps with that, along with essential oils and Bach flower remedies. So, Bioresonance hasn't cured the autoimmune conditions but has been a great tool to help her carry on with a fairly normal lifestyle; she really suffers if she misses her weekly sessions.
Key Insights for Therapists and Patients:
These cases highlight the potential of bioresonance therapy, but what are the key takeaways for therapists?
First, always identify and address root causes like toxins, infections, or food intolerances. Second, tailor treatments to each patient’s unique needs. And finally, integrate bioresonance therapy with supportive measures like dietary changes, supplements, and emotional well-being.
For patients, this underscores the importance of looking beyond symptoms. Healing requires understanding the factors that contribute to their condition and working with practitioners who take a holistic approach.
The Future of Autoimmune Therapies:
As we look ahead, it’s exciting to see research and technology advancing. Therapies like bioresonance are gaining recognition for their ability to complement conventional approaches.
And as these methods become more refined, they offer hope for stabilising even severe autoimmune conditions, improving quality of life, and reducing the need for harsh medications.
It's important to note that research into autoimmune diseases is ongoing and multifaceted. For instance, scientists are investigating how factors like trauma can rewire our bodies and potentially trigger autoimmune responses.
That's an intriguing area of study. How might this impact treatment approaches?
It could lead to more holistic treatment strategies that address not just the physical symptoms but also the psychological and emotional aspects of autoimmune conditions. This aligns well with the integrative approach of therapies like bioresonance.
That wraps up our exploration of autoimmune diseases and the promise of bioresonance therapy. Sophia, this has been an enlightening discussion.
It really has, David. Autoimmune conditions are complex, but with the right tools and approaches, there’s real hope for patients.
Thank you to Dr Schmieden Lindner for sharing her expertise. And thank you, our listeners, for tuning in. If you found this episode valuable, don’t forget to subscribe, share, and leave us a review.
Until next time, stay educated and take care of yourself. See you soon!
The content of this podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. We discuss complementary health therapies, including bioresonance, as part of a fully integrated approach to health and wellness. While we aim to provide valuable insights and practical advice, this podcast is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment.
We strongly encourage listeners to seek the guidance of qualified healthcare professionals for any medical concerns and to use complementary therapies as a supportive addition to professional medical care. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or modifying any treatment plan.